Free energy healing online has been my business model for ages. I provide my free energy healing to anyone who needs it. I work on a donation-only basis. So if you decide to give at a later time. You can via my donation button.
My free healing online consists of me on a Zoom call. I have developed this technique over the last 3 years. You will receive the healing live with me on a call.
All you need to do is accept the healing energy. I will do the rest, it’s painless and drug-free. So you will not suffer any side effects. All the healing comes directly from our Prime Creator God’s Source.
Healing Done Via a Video Call
I concentrate this healing energy through my hands. I then send it directly to you through our energetic connection. Which has been established online during our Zoom call.
The energy is then concentrated on the area where you need it most. I have had great success using this method of free energy healing online. I have helped patients with chronic back pain. Also stomach problems and diabetes.
My energy healing is also very effective with emotional issues. This is because most of the energy which causes this. Is trapped in the person’s energetic body.
Trapped Energy Needs Healing
I have learned how to release this trapped energy. This is in conjunction with my spiritual counseling. Will help to cure these problems for good.
I have also helped alleviate problems with terminal illnesses as well. I have started helping people who are having problems relating to injections they’ve had.
Book a Free Energy Healing Below
The free energy healing online which I provide. Will certainly help with most ailments in my experience. What really helps with this though. The patient has an open mind to this treatment.
Some people do not realize how powerful they are. When it comes to helping themselves by believing. The energy healing I send will work with your consent. So the more you feel that it’s working the more powerful it is.
This is because we are all very powerful manifestors of our reality. So by flowing with my free energy healing. It will help to increase its potency.
If you fancy giving my free energy healing online a go. Please just press the button below. You can book a session from there. Hope to see you soon. Much love Alan xx